Frequently Asked Questions

How many photos do I get and how much do you charge?

There are various packages I offer. Wedding Packages, family packages, and senior packages. From all edited photos, to your top ten favorites, you get to choose your ideal photoshoot. The custom package is also available if the packages I offer do not fit what you are looking for. I’m always available to talk details!

How long do you take to return the photos?

In the maximum of ten days, you will receive the photos through a personalized private gallery. 

What if I like more photos than the package allows while I’m choosing my favorites?

You get to choose the amount from the package selected, and if you select more, that will be $15 for every extra photo, until you reach the upgraded price of that package series.

What if I need re-touching?

I can re-touch the photos after you have selected them, at an additional cost of $10 each. 

What can I expect from the photoshoot?

If you’re a senior, you’re going to want to make a fun playlist so you can feel comfortable and yourself. For a bonus, bring a friend or family member/s to make you laugh, and even sneak into some shots with you. I like to shoot candids, so don’t expect forced posing. 

What if I’m awkward in front of the camera?

My clients who felt the most awkward were the ones who loved the photos the most. Don’t worry, I’ll give you pointers. I give you my 100% if you give me yours.

What should I wear? 

Wear something you feel your absolute best in. That’s it. 

What happens if the weather’s bad?

We simply re-schedule, no stress. 

Do I need an early deposit?


How should I pay you? 

Cash or checks are preferred, checks can be made payable to Angela Castano.

Zelle and Venmo is also available.

What is the timeline to be expected?

Begin by filling out a contact or package form, then we set a date and time. A few days before the shoot, I will reach out to you to see if there are any more details that need to be worked out. Please be sure to bring the payment to the photoshoot. Then, you will receive the link to your photos via email with the instructions. You can always order prints after!

Looking forward to working with you,